Courses & Workshops

Please select IndiaHCI Courses & Workshops ( while submitting on Microsoft CMT

Call For Workshops

We warmly encourage you to submit workshop proposals for India HCI 2024. Workshops are meant to be a focused, interactive discussion setting where participants share information and skills. Workshops are lively gatherings where people cooperate and work on a shared project. Workshops allow participants to participate as well as the organizer(s). Every workshop should produce concepts that offer the HCI community a fresh perspective on the subject or recommend interesting avenues for further research. 

There are two types of workshops available: short workshop & long workshop

Workshops share practical experience and bring new research outcomes for the researchers and for the larger design community. 

The proposed workshop can go for 1 to 3 hours. 

Important Dates

(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)

Proposal Submission

The proposal must be submitted as one PDF document (file name: Instructor-name_Title_Workshop_IndiaHCI24) to Microsoft CMT portal.

Selection process

Every contribution will be subject to a review procedure. The proposals' clarity and the topic's applicability to the conference theme will be taken into consideration while judging the submissions. The conference proceedings will not archive workshop proposals. All rights to the proposal and workshop materials will remain with the workshop chairs. India HCI maintains the right to use the proposal for documentation and promotional purposes.

Call For Courses

Courses are sessions, which provide an opportunity to extend your knowledge and experience in the field of design. Proposals on topics related to HCI and related subjects are accepted. Kindly check out the conference theme on the website.

Course duration

Instructors can take courses from 1 hour to 2 hours depending on the course content. It can be a short course or long course but it should not exceed more than 2 hours of teaching and practice. 

Important Dates

(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)

Proposal Submission

The proposal must be submitted as one PDF document (file name: Instructor name_Title_Course_IndiaHCI24) to the Microsoft CMT portal.

The review process for courses is not anonymous. 

Any queries regarding the Courses and Workshop proposal submissions should be directed to the track chairs - Dr Dipanjan Chakraborty ( / Sachin Patil ( / Dr Charu Monga (