Student Design Consortium (SDC)

SDC Winners at IndiaHCI 2024

Winner: FoodSetu. 

               Authors: Vasu Singh1, Sahil Sinha1, Atif Hakim1, Pearl Dawar1, Dev Saini2

                         1Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and 2RV university.


Runner up: Shape Sense: Making lingerie shopping a better experience. 

                    Authors Suhasini Giridhar and Divyasri Udayakumar


This year we have combined the SDC for IndiaHCI and IDID 2024. 

IndiaHCI/IDID SDC 2024 is similar to the SDC at CHI 2024 & CHI 2025, where student teams design and develop solutions for real-world challenges that align with one or more of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). 

All students are welcome to submit to the SDC track. Submissions to other tracks at IndiaHCI or IDID (such as papers, posters, and demos) do not impact submissions to the SDC track, and submissions to multiple tracks are encouraged.

Selected student teams will present their design solutions at the conference in India, and will be mentored to submit to CHI 2025 SDC.

Main goals of IndiaHCI and IDID SDC 2024 

Important Dates

(Please note that there is a delay in announcing the SDC results due to the large volume of submissions) 

(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)

Submission Details 

Forming teams
All teams must have 2 to 5 students (Please note that, in this category, all participants must be students)

All levels of students are able to compete in the competition (Bachelor and Masters). Students can create their teams across disciplines, degree programs, and universities. All students competing are required to be registered at their place of study for the academic year (2024-2025). There is no limit to the number of teams that may compete from any given university or organization.

All participating teams are required to submit a video pitch and an accompanying poster of their design solutions. Each team member needs to submit their student ID card for proof of student status.

Video submission
The videos should be uploaded to YouTube (providing us the link), the video should be between 3-5 minutes long. Video can use animations, graphics, music, dance, anything creative, or have people speaking to the camera, etc, all forms are welcome. The videos need to clearly answer the questions listed in the design brief (below this section). Students can decide if their videos can be made publicly available (via the SIGCHI blog).

Please follow the CHI2024 resources for more details on the video submission

Poster submission
The poster size should be reduced to one standard letter page and submitted in PDF format. The file must be no larger than 10 Mb in size and must include:

From the poster and video submissions, 5-6 finalists will be chosen by the SDC chairs to present at the conference. These finalists will compete for several SDC prizes awarded by an expert reviewing committee at the conference.

Submissions should NOT be anonymous. However, confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference, with the exception of title and author information, which will be published on the website prior to the conference.

The Design Brief

For the Student Design Competition, we ask you to contribute to one (or several) of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations:

The scope of this brief is deliberately broad to provide the opportunity to participate for as many students as possible. Your solution has to be clearly linked to one (or several) of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

You may adopt design strategies such as participatory design, co-creation, and co-design, service design, design for social innovation, inclusive design, and open innovation. You may adopt a participatory design and co-creation approach using existing technologies or you may find opportunities in contemporary developments in technology, such as 3D printing, digital fabrication, citizen sensing, the maker movement, the sharing economy, big data, social networks, IoT, gamification, new sensors and actuators, and Augmented/ Virtual Reality, to name just a few. Remember, though, that sometimes the best design solution or approach may flow from simple yet sharp insights uncovered from research, and might require only minimal technology – what is important is that your solution should be appropriate for the particular goal you are focusing on

Your design solution (and video submission) needs to clearly answer the following questions (what, how, and why):

What: problem identification and relevance to UN SDGs and the local context

How: presenting the design solution

Why: impacts of the design solution - the bigger picture

Student Design Competition Selection Criteria

There are two rounds of the SDC this year. In the first round, student teams submit a video and poster based on a design brief mentioned above. Round one submissions are reviewed based on:

5-7 teams will be selected for round two. Teams selected in round one are provided feedback to finalize their designs, videos, and posters. The selection is juried, that is, the IndiaHCI and IDID SDC chairs discuss the selection. The selected teams are invited to present their solutions in a session at the conference (between Nov 7-9th at IIT Bombay) in the SDC track (for round two). At least one member of each selected team has to register for the conference and present in person.

The presentation will be judged by an expert panel (yet to be decided) present in person at the SDC. They will judge based on:

Any queries regarding the SDC submissions should be directed to the SDC chairs - Dr Sumita Sharma ( /  

Dr Wricha Mishra ( / Dr Ted White (