Student Research Consortium (SRC)
Important Dates
May 15, 2024: Submission Portal opens
July 31, Aug 5, 2024: Papers Due
Aug 10, 2024: Papers Due
September 9, 2024: Authors will be notified of the decision and get final reviews
September 15, 2024: Final camera-ready papers are due
(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)
Submission and Publication Summary
Reviewing Process: Peer Reviewed
Proceedings: Springer CCIS Series
Format: Springer format, 6 or more pages + references, 20 MB max
Video/ Supplementary Material: Optional, 20 MB max
Anonymous submission: Yes, details given below
Online submission: Microsoft CMT
At least one author for each accepted submission must register for the conference to be included in the proceedings.
Details about Paper Submissions
IndiaHCI 2024 is the 15th Indian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This year's IndiaHCI theme is "HCI for Social Good."
IndiaHCI provides a special spotlight on papers relevant to South Asia, including those related to local culture, language, socio-economic situations, and the industry from the region. The intimate size and comfortable surroundings make this conference an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and implementation experiences.
Author Guidelines
Submissions that describe original, unpublished work generally in the field of HCI are sought.
Please note that, in this category, all the authors must be students.
Please read the IndiaHCI ‘24 Author’s Guide for information on the paper format (also mentioned below) and conference policies on previous and simultaneous publications.
To preserve anonymity during the review, the authors must remove their names and affiliations from the manuscript. If authors have conducted relevant prior work, they must cite it appropriately and refer to this work in the third person. Authors can revise their submissions based on the reviews they receive before submitting their camera-ready manuscripts. Until the camera-readies have been checked off by the programme committee, these must be considered conditionally accepted.
Paper Format:
Accepted papers will be published in the IndiaHCI 2024 Conference Proceedings and will be included in the Springer CCIS series.
All authors should submit manuscripts in the Springer Paper Format using Microsoft Word Template, LaTeX Template, or Overleaf. [Please note that the Microsoft Word Template contains invisible meta-tags related to the paper format and structure. While writing the paper, authors are requested to add their content without altering any format and structure of the template.]
Instructions for authors can be found here.
Springer WORD/Latex/Overleaf template can be downloaded from here.
Paper Length:
Papers should be 6 or more pages as per Springer LNCS format.
Reviewing Process:
Each paper will be subjected to rigorous review by two SRC Associate Chairs (from the programme committee) and two external reviewers (experts in the area who are not on the committee). The final decision for accepting or rejecting a paper will be made in a PC meeting, after which the authors will be notified of the decisions. Contact authors will be sent the final reviews for their papers by August 28, 2024.
All acceptances will be conditional pending changes that the papers committee may suggest or require for the final camera-ready draft of the paper. The primary author of each accepted paper will receive detailed instructions on how to submit a final, publication-ready version of the paper. The paper will not be formally accepted to IndiaHCI until the authors revise it and submit a final draft for approval by the programme committee. The deadline for submitting the “camera ready” version after all changes will be September 10, 2024. Additionally, at least one author of each paper needs to register for the conference by this date.
At the Conference:
Authors of all accepted SRC Papers are required to present their work at the main conference. Details about the presentation will be given to the authors of accepted papers. The conference is exclusively held in person without a hybrid option. However, individuals residing outside India have the option to deliver their presentations remotely if necessary. Remote presentation is not available for other tracks or individuals residing within India.
Although AI tools such as ChatGPT can be safely used for editing author-generated content, their use in content generation is strongly discouraged. While we won't actively employ tools to identify text generated by any of the AI tools, we will investigate submissions brought to our attention. All authors are expected to take responsibility for any concerns regarding the accuracy or integrity of their submitted work.
Topics of relevance
We invite submissions of research papers spanning various areas of HCI and design, including, but not limited to:
User Interfaces
Tangible & Ubiquitous Computing
Virtual & Augmented Reality
Multimedia and New Media
Natural User Interfaces
Interaction Techniques
Game Design
Privacy and Usable Security
Health, Accessibility, and Aging
User Modeling
Engineering Interactive Systems
ICT for Development
Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW)
Immersive Design
Experience Design
Social Design and ICT
Inclusive Design and Accessibility
Co-design and Participatory Design
Submissions can be within the following categories, and beyond
Solutions that address various societal challenges, focusing on the social impact of HCI interventions in diverse contexts.
User studies that engage qualitative or quantitative research methods and/or offer critical perspectives on technology design, deployment, and/or use.
Engineering interactive systems design, ubiquitous computing (including wearables), social software, ICT for development (ICTD), and computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW).
Innovative user interfaces for complex interaction contexts or challenging applications. Examples include managing large, complex information sets, usable privacy and security, multi-user interaction, crowdsourcing, automotive user experiences and in-vehicle interactions (devices and interface automation, instrumentation evaluation, interactive systems, benchmarking driver performance, and behaviour), or techniques that span devices distributed in time and space.
Breakthrough user experiences leveraging techniques such as machine learning, computer vision, computer graphics, speech processing, networking, or human perception and cognition.
Innovative software architectures, design tools, toolkits, programming systems, and development environments that support the development and use of the above technologies in user interfaces.
Any queries regarding the SRC Paper submission should be directed to the SRC Track Chairs - Dr Pranjal Protim Borah ( / Dr Saurabh Tewari (